Data Recovery
Your personal data is extremely important and should be backed up onto at least 1 external storage media, but if that is not the case and your main drive or your external drive or drives have failed, then data recovery is necessary.
Since SLP Computer Repairs has been in business, I have used only the best local data recovery company for mine and my customers recovery needs, they have never failed to recovery those important photos, documents and other data, (depending on state of the media or monetary amount of work if customer does not choose to proceed). If it is an IDE hard drive, SATA hard drive, SSD (Solid State Drive), USB / thumb drive, or some other form of storage, it can be more than likely recovered, dependant on the state of the media of course.
If you choose to go with a recovery then there will be a minimum cost of $50 for priority shipment of the storage media to and from the recovery company used.
Please fill out the contact form below to begin the recovery process!
Below are a few examples of the types of storage media which data can be recovered from, click or tap on each to see them in more detail!
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